Friday 31 January 2014

...stupas, sticking and stamping....

A bit of watercolour painting....


...and block printing...

...make up this page in my "cruise" sketchbook/scrapbook.

I don't consider myself to be a watercolourist really....

...but I'm pleased with this little effort.

Dreamy stupas in a misty landscape....

...helped along with some gorgeous fabric...

...and gold paint.

A thoroughly enjoyable afternoon's work! :-)

Enjoy your weekend.....

...I know I shall...

x C

Tuesday 28 January 2014

...back to the sketchbook for a day or two....

I've neglected this sketchbook in recent times...

...while I've been fiddling around with tags etc.

But I needed to make some progress along another route too... a page had to be done in order for more stitching to start!

Another page inspired by Khmer art.....

....using India Ink and Brusho paints on a Brusho background.

Stitching is already underway......

....I'll get a bit more done today before going off to warble this evening :-)

Fa la la la la la la.....

x C

Thursday 23 January 2014

Final Borneo tags

Here are the four strung Borneo tags...

...that folk will be encouraged to make while with me on board.

I'm working on a few pages spreads... some machine stitched pieces too.

It never stops around here!

I'm having trouble believing that I'll be flying away in less than four weeks..... much to do before then...:-o

x C

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Borneo Tags 3 & 4

These are the final two to go into my "scrapbook"...

I'll now carry on with the class sample tags...

...and (hopefully) post them by the weekend.

Off for a sing later....

Fa la la la la la la la

x C

Friday 17 January 2014

...from blues to greens - Borneo begins...

All my Philippines pages are done and stuck into my sample/scrapbook... I spent a couple of hours in the workroom filing away the blues...

...and digging out greens.

I have every intention of doing more when I get there....

...using bits and pieces that I find...

...but for now...

...these are the products of my imaginings :-)

Tags 1 & 2

Stamped seed pods, printed leaves and flowers, lovely batik fabrics and a bit of writing....

....with stitch to finish (of course).

I also used the seedpod rubber stamps to make some polymer clay pieces for some page-spreads...

Have a great weekend...

x C

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Handsome brute!!

I'd like to share a piece that I finished a little while ago....

...done on Empress calico....

....sprayed with Brusho Sprays....

He took HOURS to stitch....

...but I'm VERY pleased with him....

Temple Guardian - Handsome brute!!!

...and here he is with the sketchbook page he comes from...

Oh! I'm a happy, HAPPY  bunny!

x C

p.s. following a number of inquiries...

...yes....this technique will be rolled out in a workshop later in 2014. E-mail me if you're interested..

Sunday 12 January 2014

Philippine finale!

Here are the final couple of pages in the Philippines set...

....the first has a silhouette of one of the dragons sitting atop the Taoist temple in Cebu City (our first stop en route)...

I did this onto Brusho-sprayed watercolour paper with Indian ink then sprayed over it again when done.

Rubber stamps for Yin and Yang...and a yin-yang surrounded by the I Ching hexgrams.

...and the added bitties are some chinese coins and 3 polymer clay pieces I did some time ago (these are impressed with wooden chinese printers block - typeface)

The second is done with a Colouricious Hmong print block (onto hand-dyed and Brusho-sprayed abaca tissue)

Friday 10 January 2014

Another couple of pages...

Finished and stuck into my sample/scrap book.

The first one done in much the same way as before...

....but no wrapped elements this time....

...and a small-work page done with a wooden print block and another strip of that pre-Hispanic script.

(Print blocks, as always, from Colouricious. Paints from Colourcraft)

There's one more page-spread on my desk....

...when that's finished, I'll sail on to the next destination.

Glad to have you along for company! :-)

x C

Thursday 9 January 2014

Philippines tags - 3 & 4

Here are the final 2 tags in the Philippines group....

....again, strips of prepared pares, fabrics and some Angelina fibres.

I added a Fimo piece in my book sample simply because I liked the look of it... :-)

The finished 4 tags were strung with some hand-dyed silk thread...

...which were then plaited to tie the set together.

I'm minded to do another couple of page spreads for the Philippines....

....maybe I can blog those on the weekend...

Have a great day.

x C


I didn't want to do a second post today...

...but you WILL forgive me if you follow this bit down to the YouTube vid!

Going a bit senile lately, I can't remember who I was telling about this, but I KNOW it was someone who reads this blog so ...

...I've just had a snoop around on YouTube for this snippet from the early 90's..

...and FOUND IT! Yey!!!

(YouTube is such a miracle - I thought that I would never have the utter pleasure of listening to this bit of program again!!)

I remember crying with laughter when it was going out live....

...and the day after when they played it again on the same show...

...and it happened again this morning when I listened to it again!

I make no apologies for the exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!

This proves beyond doubt that a completely-losing-it- good belly-laugh is better than anything else to lift the spirits and blow the bad-weather cobwebs away :-)


X X  C

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Philippine-inspired tags 1 & 2

I've had to think quite carefully about the items folk will actually be making during the two hours that they spend with me as the ship travels from one port to another.

I decided on a "tag book" from the start... it IS a holiday and luggage labels seem like  suitable things to carry holiday memories.

I have to take most of the bits and pieces with me, but I'm hoping to pick up things like local newspapers, paper bags, wrappers, till receipts, postage stamps, low-value paper money etc on excursions.

These bits'n'bobs can then also be used to ground the memories as it were.

Obviously, luggage tags are only relatively small...

...therefore nothing TOO ambitious can be planned (and to be done in a couple of hours as well!)

So, I've gone for colour combos for the Philippines part of the trip...

...collaged, printed and stitched...

...using hand-dyed and prepared papers and batik fabrics.

Here are 1 and 2... skies, turquoise seas, shining sandy beaches...

The squiggly writing on the first one is a pre-Hispanic filipino script that I found on the net...

...I thought it would help to "place" things a bit...

3 & 4 to follow soon...

x C

Thursday 2 January 2014

Happy New Year!!

I know it's already 2 days in...

...but I'd like to wish everyone a very happy 2014.

I've been pootling around doing some samples for my cruise classes...

...and have adapted one of the "page spreads" to suit the message in this post :-)

I'll have a few more "Philippines" samples to show over the next few posts...

x C

(...and this year I'm attempting to "Facebook" a little bit more than before!...)