..and then a light going over with antique gold wax.
The spoons were one of those things that "just happens"....you know?
Having a boxful of them...
...they would be useful for something...someday...
...they now seemed ideal for decorating with these little clay pieces..
..but needed "something else"...
..Spoons with Skirts were born...
Actually, I'm naming them "Springerle Spoons"...
...after the Springerle molds that were used to make the clay pieces. :-)
I bought a few in Alsace last year..
..and used some different ones to decorate some Raclette spatulas too...
(another one of those "they'll be useful for something" purchases!)
These will all be on my stall for Christmas Crafts.
There have been other things going on here too...
...I learned a new stitch used in Indian embroidery...
It's called CHEMANTHI or CHEMANTHY....
(here's a link to a tutorial for the stitch)
(and here's a link to some really great video hand stitch tutorials - thanks Deanna!)
...so had to make use of it.
..along with satin-stitched triangles
..running stitch with beading....
..and machine and hand running stitch.
All done with my own hand dyed threads and fabric :-)
The finished panel...
..will now be made up into a "gathering pouch" or small purse with a long shoulder strap.
..I'm going to have a go at this kind of stitching...
...on the next one.