All the bits and pieces for Christmas Crafts are now done...
...and in their boxes ready to go.
On the whole, I've enjoyed the "manufacturing"...
..but have to admit to releasing a huge sigh of relief this morning...
...when the last item went into it's box :-)
This now means that I can concentrate on more "creative" endeavours... more of that lovely Chemanthy stitching!
This panel has similar elements to the one shown in the previous post...
..beads, running stitch and leather-paper sequins...
...and, of course, that lovely Chemanthy stitch with metallic seed stitching.
I've completed the back panels for each one now...
...and prepared the backgrounds for three more...
...I've started hand-stitching this one already too!
New books have arrived...
..showing page after page of beautiful Kantha quilting....
...also this book on Ralli Quilts..
Between them, I'll have plenty to keep me happily stitching for quite some time! :-)
I've got a number of kilos of beautiful silk thread in various weights...
...ready to go into dye solutions...
...along with piles of fabrics.
All of this makes for another busy few months ahead.
...and if that wasn't enough...
...this little book arrived too...
..NOW maybe I can get to grips with this music and play something on that Harmonium!! :-)))))))))
(For anyone else interested in Indian embroidery techniques - go to Deepa's site and click on "Indian Embroidery" in the left-hand column. There are a number of very useful tutorials and a lot of information!)