Showing posts with label St Mary's Kempley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St Mary's Kempley. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Hobbling around and doing a bit....

It's sore!

...and I'm hobbling around like I-don't-know-what...

...but, after a couple of days of feeling really groggy...

...I've managed to get my head into some sort of gear and get some bits done.

I've been offered gallery space at this year's West Country Quilt & Textile Show... I'll be doing workshops too.

Here are a couple of my samples.....

...this can be either a needlecase or a notebook.

A medieval tile design printed onto hand-dyed cotton...

...stitched and beaded.

Postie brought me an Ebay win this morning...

...a delightful old book on butterflies that has the most beautiful colour plates!

These will be just the thing for some collage pieces...

...after they've been scanned, printed and cut out. :-)

And... addition to all of this... reading material for the next few days before our picnic visit to St. Mary's Church, Kempley, Glos.

(Have a look at these links - English Heritage; BritainExpress; 360 virtual tour.

Apart from a gammy knee... is quite good!

x C