Sunday, 18 August 2019

Rekindling a love of hexies


...back from this year's workshops and shows...

...and now for the beginning of some well-deserved "me-time"!!

I really feel like I've been running a constant marathon for the last 3-4 years.

I want to have a couple of sloooooow looooong-term projects on the go...

...and hexies fit the bill beautifully!

These are for a wall quilt...

...that requires over 2,950 mini-hexagons. Mini as in sides being half an inch (12mm). :-)

It has begun....

 Many have been marked-out and cut...

Loads and loads of papers pieces pile up....

Some were done at Cardiff Quilters yesterday :-) (Nice to be back) give you an idea of the size.....

Not only is a wall quilt being planned...

...but some holiday hexies too.

Just drool over these fabrics ready for an eagerly anticipated trip to somewhere utterly beautiful!!

Getting excited now...

x C