Saturday 30 August 2014

Medieval and recycling playtime!!

I'm having SO much fun playing around with the Medieval theme for my Arts Alive workshop 1st and 2nd November!!

After assembling stacks of prepared papers...

...I have been trying out different effects with Brusho Sprays....

....and gilding foils.


"Yes" ...I am using Brusho sprayed papers for some things.....

...but yesterday....

....I pulled out my large sheets of "rubbish" paper that is used underneath sheets when I'm using sprays.

They are all metallic on the front - after using a lot of metallic Brusho....

...and have the most interesting splodges on the back where colour has bled through!

This is just grey-brown sugar paper type stuff - sold for going underneath cord carpet or something. I got the roll in B&Q years ago for a few pounds and am still using it because the more overspray you get on it....the better it looks!!

I also fished out the Big Shot and some Spellbinders dies....

...and cut out LOADS of these little pieces.

First of all I threw these in the bin...

...but then changed my mind and fished them out again.

And, after a bit of thinking...

...I used a deckle-edge scissors...

...and stuck them onto my foiled paper.

They look like Medieval floor tiles! Wehey!!

The little pieces were then stuck to the back cover of the tri-fold book I'm working on...

Really pleased with my efforts!!

Have a good weekend...

x C

Thursday 28 August 2014

In between times ....again!


...since I got back from Festival of Quilts I've hardly stopped to take a breath...

...what with bits and bobs to finish off...

......three magazine articles to write and post....

...and stuff to ready for packing in the van for workshops in Aberystwyth and Wirral in September!

I don't feel that I've settled back into domestic life before I have to become a gypsy again :-o

Ne'er mind...

....articles are away...

...spare room is full of stuff to go away...

...and I can now begin to think about prepping some samples for my "Medieval Tile" Workshop days at Arts Alive on 1st & 2nd November....

...and my "Winter Solstice" workshop days on 5th & 6th December :-)

I've already begun with the tile theme and have been experimenting with some new stencil film.

(I've cut these with a hot iron and fine tip.)

The first one is stenciled onto Brusho-prepared tissue with Markal Paintstiks (from Colourcraft)

The bottom four are done onto Empress Egyptian cotton that's been dyed with Procion dyes then sprayed with Brusho Acrylic Mist Sprays (Colourcraft again!)

I've prepped more tissue and "leather paper" ....

...but have a few more stencils to cut.

Hey Ho! What fun is life!!

x C

Thursday 21 August 2014

Long bloggy!!

Really sorry for the long absence.....

...but we flitted away to Frogland in order to visit a town called GRAY.....

...a delightful little town on the Saone in Franch Compte :-)

Well.... would have been rude not to wouldn't it?

we had some lovely days visiting Dijon, Besancon, Dole......

...and a beautiful little village called Pesmes.

(We always manage to find at least ONE little gem on our travels!!)

we got back to the UK just in time to drive straight to Birmingham for Festival of quilts...

...where I had a wonderful time...

...and met LOTS of wonderful people again!!

Workshop was brilliant...

...and I spent a glorious four days playing on Colourcraft's stand :-)

An added bonus too.....

....I have my "Chemanthy" panel in the current issue of "Stitch" magazine!



....head down....




Two project articles and a "Sketch to Stitch" to be done by Sept 1st  :-o