Tuesday 31 January 2012

Tea & Leaf Tuesday ....

It's winter outside...

...and properly this time....

...white fluffy stuff and icicles! :-)

It looks so pretty...

...and so does this teeny tiny little Brambly Hedge Winter set...

..containing a very small amount of my M&S Spiced Winter tea (again!) (I LOVE IT!!!)

And for the leaf...

...I've been drawing again...

...another little house that will soon be stitched.

(..and I couldn't resist including a couple of Carolyn's crystal snowflakes in the piccies...they fit so well with outside right now :-)

Saturday 28 January 2012

Damned computers!!

As I said in the previous post....

...the STITCH magazine article is out...

...and the new shop on line Wednesday evening....

Well, the best laid plans of mice and men of course.....

My poor Bloke, who's worked like a little (well maybe not so little) Trojan over the last god-knows-how-many months to get the website and shop up and running....

...despite having to go through a load of chemotherapy...

...various nasty surgical procedures....

..including being separated from his big toenails (ouch!!)...

...THEN discovered that the shop had a few "technical hitches"...

...for him to sort out...

...just when he thought it was done and dusted :-O !!!

It never ceases to amaze me how the absence of a single letter "s" can throw Internet Explorer into conniption fits....

...and that if you want something to be £15, you have to set a threshold four decimal places to the left ...(or is it right?)

Anyway, after all his hair grew back, he's now been tearing it out again....

...but it looks like it's sorted. Phew!


Anyway, while he's been doing that...

...I've been doing this...

..making tracks with the final "Tribal Cloth" sample in salmon/pink/grey.

As you can see, I'm on the beading, which is going to take me quite a few hours, but is well worth the effort as it makes the piece look sumptuous!

I've also been fiddling with a few more of these little ones...

..and will have a little pile of them to put together fairly soon.

I've almost finished the first little Breton house too....

...will post that as soon as the stuffing's done :-)

Tuesday 24 January 2012


For those of you that subscribe....

...you will have seen my little "Tribal Cloth" project in the Feb/Mar issue of "Stitch" magazine.

The original has a deep red colour central panel....

...quite a bit of hand-stitching...

...and lots and lots of beads!

There is a "Project Pack" available over in the shop....

...along with some others that follow the same stitch-plan......

...but are done in a green/yellow colour combo....

...and in purple too.

I'm working on another one.....in salmon/pink/grey, but it'll be next week before that's done!

I had such a good time working these pieces....

...I hope everyone else does too! :-)

(ps the shop URL will be changing tomorrow evening. From then on, it will be part of www.mabonarts.co.uk, rather than BigCartel. Service will be just the same though :-))))

Tea & Leaf Tuesday ....


...it's tea time again...

...and after a busy morning, I'm glad to be sitting here with my Earl Grey!

Notice the thing in the background there?

My new toy which will make things a bit easier as far as jewellery bits are concerned.

And on my leaf....

...a little cut piece of painted Vilene sitting on top of some heat-bonded Angelina fibres.

I've not played much with this stuff...

...it's certainly interesting......

Should have some results before too long.....

Fa la la la la.....

Sunday 22 January 2012

..house stitching begins...

I have managed to get a few things out of the way over the last few days...

...so that I could have a bit of time today...

...to make a start on those little Breton houses I showed you in the last post but one :-)

I have a couple of different approaches in mind...

...but started one to be stuffed.

I drew a full sized one on plain paper using a black Sharpie, then put it on the lightbox with fabric over the top. I just used a fine (0.5mm) 2B pencil to get the lines...

...the stitching will cover those well enough...

I made sure I put a piece of tea-bag-type paper on the back before beginning to stitch, as this gives the fabric a bit of stiffening and makes it a lot easier to manoeuvre on the machine. (Which is great for me because I hate using a hoop!)

I'm using some hand-dyed fabrics for these little houses...

..I like the warmer tones better than a flat cream :-)

The stitching is going to take a while...

...and I mustn't forget to BREATHE!!!!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

..in print again!...

The "Valentines" issue of Popular Crafts is out now...

...and my project is the very first one in there!!

It's a little cross-stitch heart on the front of a felt pocket...

...just the thing to hold a special note for that special someone :-)

The cross-stitch panel is available as a kit in my shop.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Tea & Leaf Tuesday ....

Here we are again...

I can't believe it's been a whole week since the Brambly Hedge "Winter" cup was used for that lovely M&S "Winter Spiced" tea!

It's been a really hectic week, taken up with hospital visiting...

...finishing off textile pieces for another couple of magazine articles...

...AND sorting out a veritable MOUND of music for choir tonight.

Of course, that's exactly when the printer decides to play up isn't it?!!!

Never mind....it's all done...(apart from the writing of the articles :-o )...

...and I can now sit down with an orient flavoured Japanese Sencha....

...in one of the beautiful little tea-tasting bowls given to me by my Bloke for Christmas :-)

It doesn't look much when dry, but after steeping you can see all the full leaves and flower heads in it.

It is delicate and delicious.

On my leaf this time....

....I have placed a little sketch.

I have another little book on the go...

...getting filled-up with "little houses" that will (eventually) get turned into stitched and/or stuffed pieces.

This was done from a photo I took whilst living in Brittany....

...where they have such beautiful little houses....

(a lot of which have been captured and are sitting on my hard-drive or cd's!)

..if I can get my writing out of the way soon....I can begin stitching this one by the weekend....

...I'll enjoy that...

Friday 13 January 2012

Punching, painting and printing....

A mixed bag this post....

...a bit of punching...

...in the form of Kyrgyz designs, normally found as felt, but done with a punchneedle instead.

Here's the back of one I'm currently working on...

..which will look like this when it's done, stabilized and cut around.

And here's a medallion type to go with the longer "scroll" designs.

I have to do quite a few of each as I'm aiming for quite a large wall hanging.It'll be about 1m 80 tall and 80 - 90 cms wide. The Kyrgyz (shyrdak) pieces will take up two strips with other stitching (or whatever) in the other 4. I'm waiting on the delivery of some Uzbek ikat woven cloth too....for "something" :-)

I've started a little "sketchbook" for this project...

...with designs painted in lovely bright colours...

I DO love working in my books!...

...it allows me to think on paper and ideas just seem to happen!

My other little book is quite different....

...and this is where the printing comes in....done with these little chaps...

.."Eye Idols" from Tel Brak....the originals of which have been included in Robyn's post.

(If you're interested, have a look at Dijanne's blog too.She's done a lovely panel featuring the same pieces.)

The front cover with it's pair of staring eyes...

...and a few pages...

This is the same book that has that Mesopotamian pottery design in. The one that I showed here.

I'm putting all kinds of "ancient near eastern" stuff in it......

...but whether they'll turn into textiles...and if they do what form they'll take...

..I have not a clue! :-)

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Tea & Leaf Tuesday ....Jan 10th 2012

Here's the first "proper" Tea & Leaf Tuesday posting....

.....but which bit do I show first?

The tea, I suppose....because it comes first in the title...

So, this Tuesday, I'm sipping "Winter Spiced" (teabags) from Marks & Spencer...

...quite generous with the cardamom and citrus...

..but not very interesting to look at.

Luckily, Nance, my friend and singing collaborator has generously loaned me some treasures out of her display cupboard. Precious presents from her Mother, Doll, who buys her these beautiful things, then tells her to "sell them" because they're worth something!

She DOESN'T sell them of course...they're too gorgeous...

...and then I can borrow them to show you my tea in this "Brambly Hedge - Winter" cup and saucer :-)

Just look at the lovely little mouse on the back of the cup!

Isn't he soooooo sweet :-)))

I swear that the Winter Spiced tea tastes even better in this Winter cup...

(although there's no sign of anything remotely "wintery" going on outside at the minute)

Alongside the tea, I have my leaf...

...and on it, is something that is carrying on from the last posting (sort of).

I'm thinking about symbols....especially sun symbols....

...here's my own "sun symbol" ... painted on a flat pebble.

I've used a red ochre colour paint, because it's the colour found on many ancient artifacts.

I like that.

A continuation...

Sunday 8 January 2012

....stitching symbols....looking back...looking forward...

Ok......so it HAD to be done...

Penny was right...

...I wouldn't be able to resist turning some of those sketchbook images into stitched "somethings"!

The first had to be the sun...

..stitched onto exhaust-dyed cotton with brown hand-dyed thread.

(The "exhaust" being the leftover juice after dying the brown thread)

The next two are a mystery to me...

...and if anyone can tell me what the symbols represent, I'd be most grateful :-)

Here are a few more pages that may well inspire something later on..

January, the month of Janus, seems to have prompted quite a lot of "looking back" this year. Many bloggers are talking about it, and I can see myself joining their numbers.

I find that most of what I do is inspired by what has gone before. Old traditions that are, sadly, being lost to us now in our world of fast-moving technology.

So many arts and crafts and skills are disappearing because of the changes in people's lifestyles and requirements.

I noticed in Morocco...high up in the Atlas mountains....Berber villages, small clusters of houses...crowned with satellite dishes!

Time that would have been spent doing traditional hand-crafts is now taken up watching TV, and, with more cheap, mass-produced items available to buy, less importance is being placed on hand-made things.....even to the point where something that is bought has a higher perceived value.

The textiles that were so prized in tribal cultures are now to be found in auctions on Ebay, and being sold in shops specializing in such things. The buyers are mostly "westerners" who cannot get enough of the things that the original owners are quite happy to sell. Those of us that collect, therefore, are becoming the custodians of past hand-made treasures.

I certainly feel very sad that women in these (loosely) "tribal" cultures, are no longer inclined to stitch as they used to do.... (although I am aware of a number of groups that have been set up to give women the opportunity to produce textiles for sale in order to give themselves a much-needed income - in Iran and Afghanistan especially)...and have, recently, been spending time working with designs from far afield.

I get an immense amount of pleasure out of stitching something that I know would have been done by another woman 50, 100, or 200 years ago....

...and it is a path I will continue to follow.

I will walk with these women. They will be my companions as I sit and stitch.

I certainly thought about them whilst making these small bands in Ukrainian cross-stitch...

I like the feeling of being "connected"...

...and of carrying on traditions, even though, originally, they may not have been from my own culture.

We are living in fast-moving times, yet there are still many things we can gain from "looking back", and I was heartened to speak to a number of lovely ladies at The Knitting & Stitching Show at Harrogate....who were looking for "stitchy" things to do with (mostly) their grand-daughters. Many had similar memories to my own...of women in their families knitting or embroidering, and passing on these skills to their daughters and nieces.

I hope that, somehow, us textile-lovers here in Blogland, can help the younger generation find the same enjoyment in working with fabrics and threads as we do.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Tea & Leaf Tuesday ....

A New Year...

...a new look to Tuesdays!

I wanted to continue with the tea theme, but I think it needed a bit of a change...

...so from today, the first Tuesday of 2012, I'll be doing "Tea & Leaf Tuesday" postings.

What does this mean? I hear you ask....

Well, obviously there is still the "tea" element, although there may not be a "special" tea each week....

...it's getting a bit expensive, and I'm also running out of cupboard space :-o

And the "leaf" bit?....

It's just that....a leaf...but with a purpose.

I've made one out of my hand-dyed "Landscape Tissue", and stitched the veins on the sewing machine. The idea is that each Tuesday, along with my cup of tea, I'll be making something to put on the leaf.

This may be a bit of stitched textile....or paper quilting....or collage...or anything else that happens to be happening at the time.

The only requirement is that it doesn't overhang the edges!

So, here's my leaf...

..that will be a regular feature from now on :-)

And today's tea..."Prince Vladimir" by Kusmi.

Yes! It worked!

After verbally hinting a number of times...

...leaving notes with the Kusmi website address around the place...

...leaving the site up on the computer screen.....

...Santa got the message and brought me a pack of "Russian" teas!! :-D

Delicious this one is too...

...and feels really special in that darling little porcelain teacup, with a tiny saucer and porcelain spoon made by Julie Turner.

(I must admit to be terrified of the very delicate handle, but it's a lot stronger than it looks....although it does remind me of a doll's tea-set I had as a child.)

I hope you'll join me for tea on Tuesdays...

...I do so enjoy your company! :-)

Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year...new paths to explore...

First of all, I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year...

...and I hope that everyone has a creative time in 2012!

Well...2011 was quite a year for me...

...with lots of wonderful and amazing things happening...

...and opportunities presenting themselves around every corner :-)

There were also some health issues lurking around in the background...

...but, hopefully, we'll be over them soon.

2012 is getting me all excited already!

There are so many things that I have lined-up to do...

...new products to get out there...

...a new body of work to be done (a lot larger than I've done before too!)...

...and new paths to explore.

Those of you that have been visiting for a while will know that I have a fascination for all things "tribal" and "traditional"...

....and this is set to continue, but with visits to places hitherto not visited.

Here are a few pages I'm working on in a "re-purposed book"...

...an old copy of "When Jays Fly to Barbmo"...

..with pages glued together, covered in gesso and then tinted with walnut ink.

The edges of each page has been whip-stitched with hand-dyed thread.

A suitable book for a study of Sami drums...

... with bits of mythology and poetry too...

I've no idea whether any of these will ever end up as a textile....

..or anything else...

...I'm just enjoying the journey....