Saturday 28 January 2012

Damned computers!!

As I said in the previous post....

...the STITCH magazine article is out...

...and the new shop on line Wednesday evening....

Well, the best laid plans of mice and men of course.....

My poor Bloke, who's worked like a little (well maybe not so little) Trojan over the last god-knows-how-many months to get the website and shop up and running....

...despite having to go through a load of chemotherapy...

...various nasty surgical procedures....

..including being separated from his big toenails (ouch!!)...

...THEN discovered that the shop had a few "technical hitches"...

...for him to sort out...

...just when he thought it was done and dusted :-O !!!

It never ceases to amaze me how the absence of a single letter "s" can throw Internet Explorer into conniption fits....

...and that if you want something to be £15, you have to set a threshold four decimal places to the left ...(or is it right?)

Anyway, after all his hair grew back, he's now been tearing it out again....

...but it looks like it's sorted. Phew!


Anyway, while he's been doing that...

...I've been doing this...

..making tracks with the final "Tribal Cloth" sample in salmon/pink/grey.

As you can see, I'm on the beading, which is going to take me quite a few hours, but is well worth the effort as it makes the piece look sumptuous!

I've also been fiddling with a few more of these little ones...

..and will have a little pile of them to put together fairly soon.

I've almost finished the first little Breton house too....

...will post that as soon as the stuffing's done :-)