...and it's damned self-feeding update systems....
...that spends most of it's time using my computer to look after ITSELF...
...so much so that I can't use the thing myself because the hard drive is always tied-up doing something ELSE!...
..I asked Bloke to take the Microsoft system OFF...
..and put Linux ON...
...so that my computer will be MINE again...
..it's taking him a while to sort it..
..so, the only picture I can put on here today is THIS one...
...because I'd already put it into the documents folder!
Can't put any more in at the minute, because stuff's not ready.
I've done quite a bit since the last post...
...including making this cross stitch panel into a sweet little cushion, complete with tassels at the corners :-)
..AND more thread dyeing...
Guess picture postings will have to wait until gremlins are expelled :-(