Wednesday, 30 December 2009

...busy time at the end of 2009.... I didn't make it to 2010 without doing another posting!

....but I just had to share the things that were beginning to pile up....

...otherwise there'd be too much to post next week! (that's my story any way ;-)

So, here's a piccy of the one started before Christmas....

..changed a bit....and finished.

I've also added some printing to some others......

(..there's that "nearly" reindeer again!...)

..and these will be hand stitched over the next few (snowbound again!) days.

These aren't the only bits of stitching that have happened though.....

.....because Santa brought some SASHIKO toys!.....

...and these are what I've done so far....

...and I love this's so addictive!

I've decided to use some Sashiko in my "Bound Whispers" project.

(This has already been started here on my Paper and Word blog with a "palm-leaf" book about Giordano Bruno.)

"Bound Whispers" will now (probably) form a large part of my creative output for 2010....

...taking me to all four corners of the globe.....

I'm going to enjoy it!

HAPPY NEW YEAR...............................EVERYONE!