After a "fit of the blues" day yesterday, I started looking through some of my sketchbooks.....
This one was started a little while ago, but had to be left "on-hold" because of current work commitments.
...I'm minded to make a real start on this subject when I return from my French holiday at the end of July....
I've always loved architecture - and the vernacular architecture in France is an absolute GIFT for me! Quaint; imposing; .....whatever you may call is INTERESTING!
Here are some sketchbook pages with drawings of architectural "features" - doors, windows.... I love the details....
The last one I've already had a "go" at.....
...using the embellisher, and some hand and machine stitching...
I was quite pleased with the result, but need to do a lot more "experimenting" before I get something that I'm REALLY happy with.
Here's another page.....this was an amazing stone sarcophagus set into the church wall at St Nectaire in the transfixed me....(weird eh?)
..and I did quite a large piece ...again with the embellisher and hand & machine stitch....
Odd subject matter maybe.....but then, that's ME I suppose....'s back to watching glue dry!.....