Thursday, 2 April 2020

Corona Creative #6 ....different daisies...

These daisies are smaller...

...and done with a stencil and Markal paintstiks...

...using an Oakshott bundle - Orchid Fat 8ths.

A lot of us have bought these delightful little bundles at shows and online...

...but maybe don't know what to do with them?

(Oakshott also have a free down load for a facemask at the minute!!)

I cut some pieces of each colour.....about 5 inches wide.

I cut a daisy stencil 40mm across and used some Markal Paintstiks to put the daisies onto the fabrics after I'd marked the centre and outline of a 100mm hexagon.

The next step was to outline the daisy with a small straight stitch on the sewing machine.

I used gold metallic thread...

Afterwards I stitched the hexagon outline for reference. (This will be removed later on)

Now comes the fun bit.....the hand stitching (following the stitch diagram from before)

I am now going to spend the next few days working on the rest of the hexies...

...and will be back after the weekend.

x C