Saturday, 21 March 2020

Corona Creative #2

OK ladies and gentlemen... begins a little ongoing project to keep you amused/occupied. :-)

This will be suitable for younger and older children (5-95)... just depends on how "involved" with it you want to get.

First up is a jpeg of a daisy outline.

You can click on this to save/copy, then put it into a Word/Office document to re-size as you need.

Younger/new stitchers will be better off starting with a daisy that is about 4-5 inches across... their stitches won't have to be too small.

Those who are a little more advanced can make their flowers smaller....and more intricate.

Print the pattern/outline onto copy paper and trace onto Bondaweb backed fabric.

Alternatively, cut out a stencil/template using a piece of thin card (cereal box).

I have cut mine on a Scan'n'Cut using stencil film (and if anyone needs to have one cut for them I am happy to do so if you send me a self-addressed & stamped envelope about 20x15cms and a large first class stamp to cover the cost of the stencil & template. Let me know what sizes. Message me on Facebook for address)

This first bunch of samples have all been cut and bonded to background fabric that is large enough to make a "Book Bag"....something useful for a child of any age!!

Use up any bits of cotton fabric that you have to hand. Mine are solid as the embroidery will need to be seen against a plain ground.

These are my stencils/templates...

I'll give you a few days to sort out the backgrounds....

...then I'll move on to the next stage.

Happy Weekend

x C