I've been thinking...
...long and hard...
...and have now decided that I won't be taking any more workshop bookings after the ones I already have in place for 2019.
I may consider still doing Summer Schools etc...
...but branch/group workshops...no.
It's not been an easy one, as I have really loved being with people and seeing lovely places....
...but...needs be.
We have no hard-and-fast plans yet, but I want a clear slate so that if plans come to be...
...then we can act on anything without worrying about letting anyone down.
I'll still be stitching...
...and planning projects etc...
...but I will have more of an "online" presence with kits and bits.
This will all be available through my ETSY shop...
...and I'll post as and when things become available. (Not this year.)
I'm looking forward to seeing you all this summer and next...
...and, maybe at a show here and there...
x C