Here are a few piccies of yesterday's Batik piece....
...and "henna" applied. (I actually used some black fabric paint through a very fine henna applicator bottle)
I still have a lot of experimenting to do...
...and need a nice fine Tjanting tool!
I'm not too unhappy with my first foray results...
...although I do need to find a way of getting more of the wax out of the fabric...
...any advice out there?
I've used a Berber henna design here and will be continuing with this theme for a little while...
...not just on fabric with Batik techniques...
...but in some tri-fold books and other small sample pieces... I'll be in North Africa on two cruises this year visiting Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco.
This morning I was lucky enough to find the MOST DELICIOUS paint colour to play with......... Moroccan Blue! this space!! :-)
x C