...I've hardly managed to get anything done for the last week!
Damned bug dared to enter the Holy-of-Holies...
...crawl into my system...
...and render me totally useless!!
Bad enough to put me to bed even....
...and I can tell you truthfully....
...THAT doesn't happen very often!
Bloody critter!! Grrrrrrrr!
Still sniffing and stuffed-up, but at least no awful headaches, joint pains and head-fug.
...I have now done some metallic stitching on one of my Journal Quilt pieces.
The photo doesn't really do justice to the finish or the colour....
...but believe me it's lookin' good! :-)
NOTE:- For all of you machine stitchers out there who have had problems with metallic threads snapping...fouling-up...shredding etc then PLEASE get your metallics from Empress Mills! It is such a treat to be able to sit at the machine for hours and not have to keep constantly re-threading. You'll find the metallic page here. :-)
I have a few ideas in mind for the rest of the piece, but I think I'll need a couple more days to recover properly before attempting anything too intricate.
Eyes are still very dry and picky and the brain is functioning on only about 80%
I said in the last post that I would be using some of the pieces for a different project...
...one of my tri-folds...
...and I've decided to make use of some delightfully easy-to-use Clover Yo-Yo makers and some gorgeous Japanese fabrics to do a cover on one of them.
I think I can (just about) get my head around that today...
...so will show on my next posting.
...I've been nominated to take part in the ARTCHAIN thingy that's going all around Facebook right now.
Not been able to do anything about it for a few days as The Man has turned us over to Fibre-Optic Broadband and the internet has been a bit erratic. Also my Lappy that holds all my photos was having some senior moments, so I couldn't get to my piccies!
I'll have a good search through and attend to that posting....
...probably tomorrow...
...but I won't be nominating anyone as most of those that I would have selected have already been nabbed by someone else!
I like the idea though...
...really good to see lots of pieces of beautiful artwork from so many talented folk :-)
..I have to go blow my nose again...
...and apply some Aloe-Vera gel as it's getting sore!
...too much info?
x C