Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Ploughing on.......

Good Grief!!

Has it REALLY been THAT long since I posted here?!

Tellings-off on postcards please :-o

Don't know what it is lately...

...but I seem to have had soooooo much to do for various different projects...

...that the world of the internet hasn't had a look in!

I seem to get one thing done-and-dusted....

...then another thing pops up demanding attention.

More magazine projects - with their associated deadlines...

...workshop samples...

...and then a phone call letting me know what cruise journeys I will be making in 2015 and 16!

Exciting stuff! (More at a slightly later date though...Sorry!)

My workroom resembles a tip...

...and many bits are being worked on.

But all I can show today are some tree pieces for my Winter Solstice workshop at Arts Alive Crickhowell.

The first two have been printed and stitched
(Using a beautiful wooden block from Colouricious.)

...and these that have been done using a Markal Paint Stick through a stencil.
(Both from Colourcraft Ltd)

I'll be putting some backing/stabiliser on these and then doing some stitching I think......

Once these are done...

...I'll be excavating the small litho press and printing some lino-carved rune blocks onto watercolour paper....

...then printing some sheets for my workshops at the Knitting and Stitching Show at Harrogate....

This girl's work seems NEVER to be done!!

(More to show in a few days...)

x C

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Two tiles finished

A bit of stitching and beading can make the world of difference to a piece don't you think?

The one on the left is embossed hand-made silk paper...

...painted with acrylic paint.

The one on the right was done with Markal paintstiks through a stencil...

...with some of my delicious "Byzantine Mix" glass seed beads added to the centre.

The collection of possible pages is growing by the day!! :-)

(I'm glad I'm indoors......cattle have escaped again and are all milling around outside the house! Such large beasts are not to be toyed with...especially when there are young ones in the group. I do wish someone would sort the fences though....this road is dangerous.)

Sunday, 5 October 2014

A Tale of Two Tiles.....

Oh.....what fun is life!!

I spent a delightful Friday with the Crafty Women in Abergavenny.....

...another wonderful Arts Alive Project....

...and then I came home to play with my new Medieval Print blocks from Colouricious! :-)

Literally stacks have been printed...

...and they are now sitting next to the sewing machine.

But these are what I want to share with you today....

Two tiles.... block.... embossed.... printed and stitched.

Can you all hear Pharrell Williams singing away in the background?!

"Because I'm Happy.......Happy.....Happy!!"

x C

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Medieval tile blocks have arrived!!

Weh Heyyyyyy!!

Back in August, at FOQ....

...I asked Jamie Malden if it would be possible to get some medieval floor tile blocks done for my up-coming workshop at Arts Alive (1st & 2nd November).

The answer was "Yes".... I did the drawings...

...emailed them.... that someone could send the order to India...

...where they were expertly carved....

...sent back to the UK....

..and landed on my doorstep on Monday! :-)

I unpacked them straight away (of course)...

...stroked them....

...then had to return to more urgent things instead.


...those urgent things have been done...

...and I can begin to play!!

Here are my little darlings...

Colouricious have got a dedicated "Medieval" section on their website HERE...

...and these tile blocks of mine will be in there soon.

I have got some fabric pieces prepared with Brusho sprays....

...and will begin printing later on today :-)

See you on the weekend with some results!

x C