Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Front cover finished!

This is now on the front of my latest tri-fold....

With all of its beads, cowrie shells and coin-dangles....

...the weight is the hat itself.

....only four more 6 inch panels and 2 smaller ones to go!

(Still thinking....)

x C

Monday, 28 April 2014

...little progress....

I've had a good weekend stitching.

This makes a bit of a change...

.... as I actually haven't done an AWFUL lot of needlework in recent times :-o

But this little hat, with it's jubilation of embellishment....

...called for a bit more.

The front panel is a couched square....

...picking up on the colours I can see in the hat itself....

...PLUS......a load of blue beads!!

One of the inside panels is also being stitched....

....this time though, I'm using needlepoint canvas....

...with long stitches to emulate the couching on the hat.

I've used some of my hand-dyed threads...

...which have then been sprayed with Shimmering Charcoal Brusho afterwards.

(This makes it look less new and perfect)

I'd also sprayed the canvas with Brusho beforehand to blend in the background....

Once the Brusho had dried I began picking up the edge stitches with some machine metallic thread....

...the original has had this done around the edges of the motifs too.

There are a couple of pieces of prepared/sprayed/crumpled tissue sitting around....

...that I'm thinking of using as a base/ground.....


x C

Friday, 25 April 2014

...being inspired by a little hat!

In my ever-growing collection of tribal textiles...

...I have a child's hat...

...that is gorgeous....and fascinating!

I have done some research and think (only think proof!) that it is probably from the area around Karakalpakstan (or Qaraqalpaqstan) where it borders Turkmenistan (or the other way around!). The colours suggest Turkmen, but the decoration suggests Karakalpak. There is such a crossover of peoples around the countries of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan etc,  that geography is a bit difficult to pin down.

If anyone has any opinions, please let me know.....

The stitching is superb...

...and the decoration sumptuous.

It jangles like crazy and is very heavy. No evil spirits would have attacked the wearer of this head-topper!

An inspired tri-fold has begun....

x C

Thursday, 24 April 2014

...more beady fun!

Just a quickie.....

....with a couple of piccies of the latest SoftSpun beads....

Earthy-brown bases...

...with (top) dark purple metallic paint, and (bottom) light royal blue.

I love the way the metallics just catch the sticky-up, crinkly edges :-)

What colours shall I play with next.....?

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

...playing with beads!!

We've had a lovely few days down in Cornwall....

...but now it's "back to work" time...

...and today it's been beads!

I'd painted a load of my "Butterfly SoftSpun" sheets before going away... they were all nice and ready for me to zap when I got back.

They've all been painted with Colourcraft acrylics and metallics.


...I will go have some fun with them!! :-)

x C

(SoftSpun bead tutorial here )

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Arts Alive workshop (warning...lots of pics)

What a wonderful time we had... Arts Alive in Crickhowell!!

Paint all over the place....

...tables (and floor) littered with bits of fabric and threads...

...lots of teas, coffees, chatter  and laughter...


...planning for more later in the year!! YEY!!!!!

Three days of this.... learning Chemanthy stitch...

Getting started on some Tribal pieces...

...playing "Hunt The Sequin"!!!!

(...and "NO" Katherine...your bum doesn't look big in those jeans!!)

Some finished pieces.....

...and almost finished.

Thanks to Arts Alive for organizing this....

...and to Helen, Abby, Fiona, Liz, Celia, Helen and Katherine for being such good students!

I'm now looking forward to doing something very similar with the Lincolnshire Embroiderers Guild and at Stitching in the Dales next month :-)

Happy Easter everyone.....

x C

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Petroglyph Jewellery

After finishing "Rock Stories #1" ...

...I shifted over to the sewing machine table...

...and did some stitching on a few small pieces of cloth that I'd printed onto.


....a couple of brooches and a pendant!!

The pendant is weighted so it hangs properly....nothing worse than a lightweight textile necklace that sticks to clothing and ends up just under your shoulder somewhere!!

I'll be putting these in the shop when I have a few more in the collection.....

Happy Sunday

x  C

p.s. Blocks by Colouricious and the turquoise print section was done with Impress Me stamps

Friday, 11 April 2014

"Rock Stories #1" ....finished!

This tri-fold is now done...

...and I'm already getting piles of bits together for the next one!!

I decided to put some text in the little inside books.....


...the outside panels were done...

...some in fabric.....

...and one in wrinkled tissue paper.


...I'm happy......

x C

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

"Rock Stories" ....progress report...

Fair bouncing along with this one!!

I've now done all of the inside panels...

...and attached two little books this time.

I've used some rubber stamps around edges....

....IMPRESS ME  stamps by Sherrill Kahn....

....and some little critter feet that I found somewhere or other :-)

(They look so like little desert rodent feet that I just had to include them!!)

These Colouricious blocks are printed onto my scrunched Landscape Tissue that had been used to put a texture on the Gelli Plate. See how the raised areas have picked up the paint and made a glorious, almost leather/skin-like pattern.

"Petroglyph People" rubber stamps from Impress me...

I bought these rubber sets some years ago now, and I think they've been replaced by different ones. There is still a set available though - set 6 ...

...which would do very nicely thank you!!

Now I have to go work on the outside panels.....

x C

Monday, 7 April 2014

"Rock Stories #1" ...beginning a new tri-fold

I'm really on a roll here lately....

....after being completely pooped when I came back from the far east....

...and just simply tired after Fashion, Embroidery & Stitch.....

...I seem to have fallen into mt creative groove and, fortunately, with loads of energy!!

I had my two lovely friends here for the day last Friday, and we had a delightful "play day" with my box of new print blocks from Colouricious.....

...AND a brand new Gelli Plate which I absolutely Loooooooooooooooove!!!!

Here are some page-spreads that I printed for my new series of tri-fold books...

...which I'm calling "Rock Stories".

These fabrics and papers have firstly been printed all over with the Gelli Plate....

....I used a piece of my doubled Landscape Tissue to lift paint off the plate leaving a scrunched texture behind which then transferred onto the fabric/paper surface...

Then I used the print blocks on top when the backgrounds had dried (didn't take very long!)

After I'd prep'd the tri-fold I decided to do a bit of detailed work on one of the centre pages.... got out a very fine mapping pen and some Herbin ink.....

.....and dotted-in this character.

It took a little time, but I think it was worth it!

The book is now sitting on the radiator to dry the glue on the folds.....

I'll get back to it later....

,,,after a nice cup of tea! :-)

x C