Sunday 27 October 2013

...beginning the finish...

...been feeling really stressed over the last week... the Bloke says,  " the last 10% is always the longest..."

How right he is!!



...more writing....

....more beading....

....putting things together....

....even more writing....

Sneak peak...

...nearly there...

x C

Sunday 20 October 2013

...spells and dangly bits...

The bits are now (thankfully) beginning to come together!

Just as well seeing as Harrogate is only 4 weeks away :-o

I made some more print blocks...

...round ones this time...

...for some very special "amulet spell parchments"...

...and then....

...loads and loads and loads and loads....

...of dangly bits

Loved every minute of it!

x C

(ps.....instructions will be in The Book!)

Sunday 13 October 2013

Preparing for the next trip...

I sat down the other day and worked out how many miles we covered this summer...

...and was amazed to find that we'd traveled over 2000 miles in just  6 (what seemed to be) short weeks!

No wonder we felt whacked when we got back....

...that's a lot of bum-numbing hours in the van!

Thank the lord for the Gladdyvan though. We could never have done this with the tent!

In between sewing on ga-zillions of beads for my "Magic" work....

....and trying to get things ready for the printer....

...I am now throwing some left-over (ha ha) energy into preparing for the next big trip....

...which will be taking me to, among other places....


I've been lucky enough to have been asked to teach on board a cruise ship going down through the Philippines... Borneo and Brunei...

....across the South China Sea to Cambodia....

...and finishing up at Bangkok!

Thrilled or what??!!!...especially as it is during February and early March when the weather here is less-than-perfect!

I have to prepare everything before I go, so I can work out exactly what materials I need to take...

...and provide enough inspiration to (hopefully) encourage folk to continue with their projects when they get back home.

Sketchbook pages have been gesso'd and sprayed and sprinkled with Brusho paints and sprays....

(How did we EVER manage before Brusho??!)

...and beautiful textile materials have been gathered...

(Batiks from Empress Mills...and silks from The Silk Route...)

Now all I have to do is keep my mitts off them all until Harrogate is over!! :-o


....maybe I can give myself a LITTLE bit of playtime now and again?....;-)

x C

Tuesday 8 October 2013

...on to Belgium...

After a couple of lovely weeks in Alsace, we shifted on to Belgium....

...and pitched ourselves near Kortenberg, just to the east of Bruxelles.

Here I had a simply wonderful day with 17 lovely ladies....

....during a workshop day of blissful stitching.

Thanks so much to Viviane for arranging it all. I had a great time and look forward to doing it all again!!

Couldn't miss the opportunity to visit Ghent (Gent) while we were there....

Such a beautiful city....

...last visited in about 1992.

Wandering around the little old streets I came across this place....

...where I acquired some exquisite bits to play around with....

I feel some pretty little panels coming on......

See you soon

x C

Sunday 6 October 2013

...a little bit of stitchin' on the way...

Last time I left you in the Savoie with a group of lovely ladies....

...who loved their stitching adventures so much...

...they want me to go back again next year.


Besides helping others with their stitching...

...I managed to get a bit of my own done too...

Just a sneaky peak of new work for Harrogate :-)


We left the Savoie via Geneva, and drove the whole width of Switzerland ....

...underneath Basle...

...and into Alsace.

Felt like coming home....

...and I have many, MANY more photos to turn into something ....

....simply gorgeous!!

Have a week of intensive stitching ahead, along with photo-taking and writing too...

...but will post again in a few days.

x C

Friday 4 October 2013

At last!!!

...the lappy is working again! :-)))

What a complete pain-in-the-bum was that complete holiday period without the facility to post some lovely piccies...

...but, I'll try to give you a flavour from my living room back home instead.


We stayed at a lovely site, on the banks of the Seine, just beneath one of Richard the Lionheart's castles....

...and it was from here that we went to visit Monet's house and garden at Giverny.

On a day with our friends Michel and Zina, we climbed up to the castle above Les Andelys....

...and were rewarded with this magnificent view!

From here we moved on to....


Lac d'Annecy was our home for a few days....

....overlooking the lake and watching the parachute fun from these spectacular mountains.

Annecy itself was very pretty too...

My first workshops were held at St Symphorien, a few kilometres from the Swiss Border.

We had such great fun (and FOOD!!) for the two days....

a BIG "Thanks" to Renee, Corrinne, Evelyne, Catherine, Anne, Rosy and Josy for a wonderful French "Bienvenue"!!

I'll post the rest in a couple of days....

x C

(Sorry for not keeping up with blog visits and e-mails...but access was a REAL problem while away..)