Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Printing and Paper-play...

I take full advantage when the sky is not dropping moisture....

.....and get myself outside to make some experimental print blocks...

...for a special purpose.

I find sheets of this thermoplastic foam at a recycle centre and, after marking out the designs that I want (with a Sharpie marker)...

...I use a small soldering iron to "carve" the surface of the block.

(The Man tells me to be VERY VERY careful as the gases given off can be really bad. So I'm always watchful of wind direction and wear a suitable facemask too.)

I printed onto double sheets of my "Landscape Tissue", then went over the designs with an "18kt Gold" marker pen.

The stuff underneath is what I refer to as my "Leather Paper"...

....dyed in the washing machine on Sunday and Monday.

The purpose, I'm afraid, must remain a secret at this point...

...but there again...

...a little mystery adds some interest doesn't it?!

(Needless to say though....there WILL be stitch!!)

x C