What can I say?....
...about the excursion to the NEC?
Snowing some more....
Visitor numbers sooooooooooooo down on last year...
...but a really GOOD show nevertheless!! :-))
Yes...OK....the weather did put a bit of a damper on things.
Slipping and sliding and doing the duck-walk everywhere makes one a little uncomfortable after a while...
...but the brave souls who ventured out, despite weathermen (and ladies) telling folk to "Stay at home"....
...came and made it all worth while.
And, of course, the lovely band of intrepid exhibitors who are ALWAYS there no matter what...
...were an absolute delight....again!
Didn't take many photos I'm afraid, and the ones that I did manage to snaffle aren't good enough to show here.
(I think the camera was a bit cold and the lens seemed to have misted-up. Given that I took the photos first thing, when I'd only just got there...this isn't surprising I suppose :-)
I had loads of requests to travel around and do workshops...
...and more commissions for magazine articles...
...so I have no complaints what-so-ever.
I'll be meeting up with a lot of exhibitors again at the end of this month at "WONDERWOOL"...
...and in May at the brand new "Empress Stitch Show".
Back home now, with a couple of articles still to write...
...and a LOT of work to do for my new stuff and book.
I needed access to certain bits for a specific piece, so we toodled off to ARTIQUE in Tetbury on Sunday.
Luckily, the camera was WARM, and I had no problem taking these for you to drool over!!! :-)))))
I won't include any more as they are HUGE files...
...but you can click on the piccies and get a good close-up and personal view :-)
I had hoped to get my mitts on some Kohistani textiles, but George says that the situation in the region is now so bad that it would be easier to get a sack of rocking-horse manure!
Never mind....I have quite a few good photos from before, so the "three-pieces -of-somethings" that I'm doing as part of my new work can still get done.
I did get a few good "cheats" while there too....
....three different colourways of cotton bobble braid!! (Means that I don't have to sit there with the Clover Pom-Pom makers for hours on end. YEY!!)
With a bit of luck I'll have some sample bits done to show over the next couple of weeks...
...but a rather demanding schedule will, I'm sure, try to get in the way :-o
If anyone is around Brecon this coming weekend, there's a concert in the theatre on Saturday at 7.45. It's in aid of the local hospice and my lovely choir have a slot at the end of Part One.
Come along and put some coins in the tin...it's for a very good cause :-)
See you soon
x C