I haven't been around the lappy much these last couple of weeks due to a stack-and-a-half things to be gotten done for Wonderwool this weekend.
Boxes are now sorted...
...bags packed...
...clothes ironed...
...just and!
I have managed to get SOME hand stitching done though...
(Sorry...can't show any more than that!!)
I've also done a few more sketchbook pages, and will be taking it to Builth Wells with me to doodle into during the evenings in the caravan.
Stitching will begin in earnest after the Empress Stitch Show in May.
I've got all the materials lined up ready to go. :-)
I sat down on the weekend putting what seems like rubbish into the computer in order to get some workshop pages up on the website.Two are now done, but the rest will have to wait until next week I'm afraid - they take me sooooooo long!
(Just how he can sit doing this stuff for hours and hours and hours I REALLY don't know!!)
Today I'm going to relax a bit and play around with some book pages....
I'm on Stand U7 at Wonderwool....
...if you're around come by and say "Hello" :-)
See the rest of you next week.
x C