...and it's made a pleasant change to sit and read during daylight hours!
In more recent times reading has become a pastime normally done before switching off the night-light.
Looking into meaning behind embroidery is indeed a fascinating subject...
...and I'm learning more and more with each turn of the page.
I'm viewing embroidered textiles with new eyes.
Symbols float around in my head...
...and fall onto sketchbook pages...
...almost un-bidden...
They have a place there, I know this.
It's amazing how other things fall into place too.
We decided to pay a visit to the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff yesterday...
...and found an exhibition entitled "Origins". WOW!!!
A number of the exhibits certainly chimed with current obsessions...
...beautiful gold neckpieces...
...and a "sun-disc" button...
A large stone found buried under the solar-aligned chamber tomb at Bryn Celli Du (Ynys Mon)...
The photo doesn't show the chipped markings very well....lighting was dim and no flash allowed...
...but the wriggles are very similar to some of those found in the great chamber tomb of Gavrinis (Morbihan).
Sunshine reflected on Venitian waters in a Monet painting upstairs.
Golden yellow and scarlet orange procion dyes pressed into action when I got back home and wound onto a bobbin this morning.
Time now to plan for some sun-stitching...
x C