The three days spent tidying my workroom over the confined-to-quarters-holiday not only gave me back a wonderful un-cluttered space to create in...
...but also turned up a few long-lost friends... of which was this old Indian print block.
Isn't it a beauty?!
(Although I understand why folk buy these by the basketload to put in nice, elegant arrangements by the side of the picturesque fireplace, I DO wish they'd leave them alone for those of us that want to USE THEM!! OK....grizzle over with......)
This block has been well used and had to be scrubbed with my special 35p plastic toothbrush from LIDL that is kept for this very purpose....
...but there are a few blank spots where the wood has begun to disintegrate.
No worries though...
...that's why we have a mug of varying sizes of little paintbrushes isn't it... fill in any gaps. :-)
This piece has now been "Bondawebbed" to some black felt...
...the machine loaded with suitable thread...
...and my treddle-peddle foot is itching to get going!
It will, of course, have some hand-stitched crosses too... :-D
Have a happy Monday
x C