Thursday, 17 January 2013

..stitching in the snow....

Winter has well and truly arrived...

...and it's going to arrive even MORE tonight and tomorrow.... weekend travel plans have been shelved again!

It looks like we'll be stuck in for a few days this time... of the hazards of living 1300 feet up! :-o

Ne'er mind... plenty to do...:-)

Here are a few of piccies of some stitching already done on the dyed fabrics of last week. of those birdies....

He still needs a bit of grooming before he's finished....

...but it won't be long now...

I've had a few folk ask what cotton fabric I use. Well, it's a superb Egyptian cotton that I get from Empress Mills. A really smooth cloth with a tight weave - mercerised of course - takes dye like a dream...feels like silk in your hand!
They sell the white in bundles and natural by the metre....GO ON!! KNOW you want to :-)))