Friday 26 October 2012

..a bit of glitz occurring!

I had thought to fill in the shapes with chain stitch...

...but then decided that I want to go a bit "over the top" with this piece...

(given what I have in mind for the other side of the fabric strip!)

So, the outlines are being done with a couched heavy wool...

...and the shape filled with beaded sequins :-)


I'm having fun!!! :-)

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Delicious textile bits.....and a new start...

The weather was glorious on Saturday.... we left our (usually gloomy) hilltop...

...and headed for Glastonbury!

We love wandering around here...

...there are always loads of good books to browse...

...and, of course, a great shop that sells Indian textile treasures.

Some delicious indulgences....

A toran hanging....

...and a lovely bag.

I'll be working with these over the next few months, alongside the blanket from Artique...

...lots and lots of stitching and writing involved here ;-)

I'm trying my best to get something new ready for the wall at Harrogate (only 4 weeks away now!!!), so a start has been made on this 4 ft x 2 ft piece.

(I've taken a few photos so you can see the change in colour from top to bottom)

For the strip to the left of the fabric, I wanted something that echoed the printed design, so I chose a shape from one of the blocks and scaled it up.

Felt isn't the easiest fabric to mark for stitching, so I traced the shapes onto some tissue through which I could  stitch.

The paper is then torn away leaving a nice line to follow with chain stitching...

...which is exactly what I'm off to do now :-D

Tuesday 16 October 2012

..little bits of stitching...

...inspired by India....

Small textile collages...

...using print blocks, banjara dangles and hand-dyed fabrics 

.....very enjoyable to do....

I do so LOVE working small :-)))

Fa la la la la.......

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Green Beauties!!

The needle has been flying these last few days!

Here are a couple more brooches....

...the pile is growing.....


Sunday 7 October 2012

Laurel Burch and Vilene - the perfect partnership!!

Here are some new jewellery pieces...

...finished, ready for sale.

Vilene bases with painted Bondaweb, gilding flakes and fabric additions.

These remind me of neolithic "eye goddess" images (Marija Gimbutas)....

...and on this one too....

I just KNEW that I had to have those Laurel Burch fat quarters!!

Ha!! Another "frivolous" purchase is justified!!!!

(Well.....I think so......:-))))))

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Tea & French Report part 3!

That bug has finally begun to bid it's farewell...

...and I've managed to get myself into the workspace and DO something!

I sorted out a basket of bits and made a good start on some new brooches...

...there's also been some experimentation with the Laurel  Burch fabrics on a Vilene base....

(These should be all wired-up into earrings by the weekend!)

And, of course, there has been tea!

A little beauty called "The du l'Abbaye"...

...intensely flowery and delicious....

...being drunk out of a very fine tea cup from Limoges....

...that looks like a sea-urchin with all it's little bobbly-bits!

I was VERY pleased with this find.....

It cost me 75 Euro-cents in the NOZ!!!! (Noz is one of those bankrupt stock type shops where you NEVER know WHAT you're going to find. If you are ever in France and see one on the edge of town. STOP! ....and go inside. You could come out with an absolute treasure for almost nothing :-)

The tea came from a lovely shop in Colmar....

Have a wander with me.....

(Sorry about the paw in that was so bright, the sun made taking photos a bit difficult!)

I find this town quite magical!

...and there are a number of stitching projects lurking around in the camera...

...just waiting for their time to come.....

(I have a sneaky feeling that the last one here might get an airing before TOO long though......:-)))))