Saturday, 22 December 2012

Merry Christmas!!

It's time to wish all my reader-friends a very Merry Christmas....

...and a happy and creative New Year!!!

Hopefully I will get back into my blogging groove in January....

...because I certainly seem to have fallen out of it lately! :-o

2012 has been a really great year for inspiration gathering,,,,

...which is wonderful, as I have a "VERY SPECIAL PROJECT" that will be coming to light in 2013.

Here are a few (close-up) piccies of my large blanket that should be finding their way into "something or other" between now and November next ;-)

I know that this isn't going to be an easy journey....

...and I'm absolutely certain that there will be times when I wonder why-the-heck I do this to myself....

...until it all comes together.... it ALWAYS does....

..and then I KNOW exactly why :-D

Although much of my 2013 work will have to remain "under wraps"...

...I'm sure that I'll still find plenty to blog-on about!

...and I can ALWAYS find time to mooch around YOUR blogs too :-)))

A BIG HUG to all of you in this delightful blogging land...

...keep happy and safe....

...and I'll see you again in about the second week of next year.

x C