Wednesday, 5 December 2012

..back on track....

First of all...I should apologise... all those lovely ladies who commented on my previous (ranting) post....

...and who haven't had a reply. geek Numero Uno.....managed to wreck the internet hub...

...apparently the technical term is "bricked".... I haven't had a lappy to use for a few days.

So.....a big SORRY ...

...and also a big THANK YOU for the sentiments expressed!!!

I had intended to  compose a rather more "positive" blog post a bit sooner than this, but......bricks etc got in the way :-o

...but, just to let you all know that I'm out of the mood I was well and truly in...

..and have brushed myself off ready to make a start on new things.

Loads to be done over the next few weeks too!.... I've begun work on a couple of workshop pieces for 2013.

For Festival of Quilts, a "Mini-art-quilt" entitled "Oceanic Journey"...

...complete with Moko manikin....

...and some Rongorongo writing...

I've got a couple of delightful wooden print blocks to go with the stitching too...

Should be fun!

(All I have to do now is get the proposal off to the organiser!)

Hopefully I can then work on a scaled-up version for another workshop date.

The "mini" version is only 30 x 30cms, whereas the other will be slightly different and measure approx 60 x 40cms (with a bit more hand-stitching involved).

I did so enjoy my workshops at Harrogate!

...and had a lovely e-mail from one student who kindly sent me a piccy of here finished project.

 Her hubby has even put it up on the wall for her ...a bit of a miracle seemingly, so he MUST have been impressed with her handiwork!!

Quite right too!  Well done Karen! :-)

Now it's time to get back on that sewing machine......

x C