Tuesday, 19 May 2009
...More Long Ones...
...and another 2 Long Tribal Banners have been completed ...(well the hand-worked centre sections anyway!..)
I've decided that they ARE going to be attached to those cream fabric backgrounds - I think that they'd look a bit too "skinny" just by themselves, because of the length of them.
So, the cream fabric is now being prepared for assembly later this week.
The weather here is STILL very wet! - so no chance of outside work going on. I just hope that during half-term we'll have SOME dry-time to get the bases and support pieces done...
There are only a few weeks left now, and a lot of things need to get tidied-up/finished-off!
Tomorrow is certainly going to be a "heads" day...
I've got about 20 heads to make - both small and large - for the doll/figures - which are going to be labelled "GUARDIANS".
I've been so pleased with them, and can't wait to see them "out there"!
Sorry not to have shown a bit more here, but I want to keep the final images until after the exhibition opening.
I've got the choir singing some African songs/chants for the expo opening - and we're combining the Expo Private View with our choir's end-of-year bash!
Some musician friends are also coming along and we'll be playing some French traditional music on Hurdy-Gurdy, bagpipe, violin and melodion...
It's going to be a GREAT event!! (pictures will be posted very soon afterwards - I promise!)
For now though......
...still got loads to do......