Sunday 25 November 2018

Medieval Tile stitching at Busy Bees

What an absolutely wonderful day of stitching... Busy Bees, Newport!!

11 lovely ladies (plus moi)...

...with a day of nothing but stitching, chatter and companionship in front of us...

...producing these little bits of precious-ness! :-)

We all had a great time...

...and I can't wait to be back there in February for my "Gelli Plate" workshop!!

Thanks to Anne and Becky for arranging it all x x


Thursday 15 November 2018

Candle Band #4

...the last one for now...

...but I'll be preparing loads of backgrounds to go into kits...

x C

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Candle Band #3

...piling up...

I am so enjoying these...

x C

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Candle Band #2

I'm feeling Happy....Happy....Happy...

...still more to go...

x C

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Candle Band #1

...on a roll here!!

A while back I printed a load of small pieces...

...for small projects.

I've been working on some "Candle Bands"...

...and this is the first one to get itself finished....

There are quite a few more to go.....

x C

Monday 5 November 2018

A thread keeper .....finished!

I pfaffed about with this one a bit.....

...before deciding to use a round ring instead of a "D" ring.

The embroidered piece is soooo pretty...

...and because I put a thick core in there... can be used to keep pins and needles too!!

Another one ticked off the (rather long) list!!

x C

Saturday 3 November 2018

Kindle cover.....finished!!

I don't manage to do something purely for myself that often...

...but when I got my new Kindle a couple of months back...

...I decided that I would make a nice cover for it rather than buy a plastic one :-)

Here it is...

...finished ...... and in use!!

Another UFO sorted :-D

x C

Thursday 1 November 2018

Another small box finished....

This is another wooden box from The Works....

...a round one this time...

...with a piece of embroidery now secured on its lid.

So sweet.....

I'm happy...

x C