Tuesday 27 September 2011

Textiles on a Tuesday!!

I don't know where LAST Tuesday went, but it left me behind somewhere!

Never mind....it's been great in between then and now :-)

We've had a little break down in Cornwall with Bloke's Dad....

....visiting St Ives....

...and Mousehole....

...to take LOADS of cottage piccies to turn into stitched thingys later on :-)

We called into the Creative Stitching and Hobbycraft show at Exeter on the way home...

...and met up with lovely friends Jamie and Kim.(Her blog is here.)

Of course...I just HAD to make a few purchases didn't I...?

More beautiful print blocks from Jamie...

...and some heavy pelmet Vilene from Kim...

...that I've painted with Cosmic Shimmer Mists.

Such FUN is on the cards methinks!! :-)))

I've been stitching a bit too...

Another Punchneedle sample is done...

..and quite a number of these little panels are on the go...

...that I'm currently stitching with these....

Oh JOY!!

Saturday 17 September 2011


Mini rug design...

African mask design...

Little wool heart...

Larger cotton heart...

Twinkle twinkle little star :-)

Ooooooooh....I'm having fun!!!

Friday 16 September 2011

In a mosaic mood...

In between doing things that I can't post about....

...I've been playing around with little bits.....literally!

Tiny squares of heavy Aquarelle paper...

...painted with lovely metallic paints from CraftyNotions and Cosmic Shimmer Misters from Ario.

I've also cut some squares out of some "Butterfly SoftSpun" that was also painted with these same paints.

The intention is to put them onto a background fabric that has been covered with painted Bondaweb (same paints again!)...

I'll be at the stitching over the weekend.....

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Taking Tea on a Tuesday...Caravane...

Sometimes it's good to use a tea bag!

Especially when they're as good as this one...

......from the Super U...

Black "Caravan" tea with citrus fruits.....

...in Jean's cup.

Given to me by her son.....

I didn't know Jean, but I think about her everytime I use her cup and saucer.....

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Taking Tea on a Tuesday...Home brew...

It's turning into Autumn....

...no doubt about it!

The plant pots are beginning to look a bit sorry for themselves...

..so it's time to pick and dry...

Today's indulgence is Green tea and home-grown Apple Mint.

I get the smell of apples...

...but a taste of mint...

Nice combination.

Put your feet up and join me.....

Monday 5 September 2011

Small African Panel #2

Another one done...

...now moving on....

Friday 2 September 2011

Small African Panel #1

Here's my first working sample using those lovely "Colouricious" print blocks.

(Doing little pieces like this helps me along with the final design)

It measures 15cm x 19cm.

I didn't go TOO mad with the embellishments....

...just some glass seed beads...

...a few wooden beads....

...and some dyed bamboo skewer pieces.

I've made a project pack available in the shop....

...with everything you need to make one of your own. :-)