Sunday 29 November 2009

....dots and ladders.....

...are the latest additions to a piece of french voile.......

...wind's still howling.... prayer-flags are well tattered.......

...and I'm staying indoors.....


Friday 27 November 2009

...Thanks... Robyn .....

...for including a piece of my textile work in her latest blog-post!

Thursday 26 November 2009 between ........

..trying to get my new fireplace looking half-decent.....

......and managing to get myself covered with black paint......

..I've been continuing with the little voile pieces.....

This one has a narrow block print, with straight kantha stitching and some small squares of my birthday fabric.

Red buttons finish it off.....

....and the parts are working nicely together....

Tuesday 24 November 2009


Completed the little panel started yesterday...

....small experimental piece..........

.....with a larger idea in mind...

Monday 23 November 2009


The wind is blowing for Britain outside, and rain periodically lashes the window panes.......

...but I'm cosy inside....

...and enjoying some serene stitching whilst listening to the spit of the logs.

I'm loving having the softness of this voile in my hands...

...and the rhythm of a simple stitch allows me to dream a little whilst my fingers just do their own thing...

Yes! It does seem like I "Love Stitching Red" Carolyn....

..although you seem to have gone dove grey at the minute ;-)....

...and those gorgeous birthday fabrics will continue the theme for quite some time I think!

Friday 20 November 2009


The small panel I started earlier in the week has now been finished - complete with antique french writing....

It was really nice to have soft, pliable fabric in my hand again - it's been some time since I did any kantha-type stitching.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!......I was *1 yesterday................... I took myself off to.... Busy Bees in Newport......for a fabric fix!

Have a look at these beauties!

....and I dug out these threads to go with them.....

Projects are already in mind.

....Ooooooooooooooooo I'm going to have some fun!

Tuesday 17 November 2009

...stitching by the fire.....

After living here for almost 6 years, I can now actually sit and stitch in front of a fire again!

Builders have been around for the last 2 weeks.....

....there's still a mess everywhere....

...but I now have a lovely woodburner in the living room and a new kitchen!

It will be great to be nice and cosy this winter - living on the top of a mountain is not the warmest of spots!

Been playing around with that antique french voile....

.....with a paisley design printed on it.... be accompanied by a piece of Provencal fabric....

......a bit of lace.....

....and some red cross-stitching....

I've no idea what this will lead on to...

...I'm just enjoying it...

Saturday 14 November 2009

...What a wonderful evening!.....

....we had at The Studio Gallery, Aberystwyth.

Plenty of visitors and loads of lovely comments!

Brilliant music too......

....especially from Ailsa Mair Hughes.....

...the first person I've ever seen playing cello whilst wearing shiny blue wellies!

Friday 13 November 2009

Thursday 5 November 2009 jewellery.... the form of choker/necklaces.....

I've been working on these for a little while now, but hadn't managed to come up with something I was really happy with....

...but I like these!

All covered with seeding stitches and surrounded by the tiniest seed beads....

...with a piece of hammered annealed copper.....

.....on matching colour memory-wire chokers (in this case purple)

(ps.....and a couple of Spirit Brooches are now in my ETSY shop...)

Sunday 1 November 2009

...a bit of inkling.....

Having recently moved the bedrooms around (and, thus excavated a load of stuff that I hadn't seen for quite some time!)...

...I re-acquainted myself with my lovely little inkle loom, and made these bands.

The fabric surfaced too! absolute LOAD of antique french cotton voile - found in the Emmaus in Hede (Brittany) on our last visit.

It was just sitting around waiting to be found, all wrapped-up at the bottom of a trunk!

What a find!......for 10 euros!....there must be at least 15 metres of the stuff!

These things have come back into the light at just about the right time...

...seeing as all exhibition pieces are now finished with, this leaves me free to play again.

I had said a while back that I was feeling like doing something a bit different, so now's a good time as any to start.

I've been doing a bit of red cross-stitch too....

...and one of the bands goes quite nicely with it, and with the antique fabric.

I have a number of bundles of old french legal papers that I found in a shop in Chartres....lovely writing..... I've been copying them onto paper to use in some fabric/collage panels - with a "french feel"...

Quilting needles are out....

...let's see what transpires...