Saturday 26 February 2011

..the next panel... now finished...

..printed swirls with seeding stitches in a fine silk beads and sequins....

All I've got to do now... decide what comes next :-o

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Festival of Quilts 2011 - Stand E52 is ME!!!

Check out the new info over to the right >>>>>>>>>> the Shop Blog section.

..and please, if you're planning on visiting....

...drop by and have a chat :-)))

Sunday 20 February 2011


...a new long cloth journey...

I've spent a lot of time lately...dyeing threads...and fabrics...

...and now need to start doing something with them!

And, as you already know...'s "tribal" themed stitching that really does it for me :-)

I was lucky enough to have "Indian Textiles" by John Gillow given to me for Christmas last year (by my lovely Bloke.....after careful hinting and leaving around of various bits of paper and Amazon instructions...)

...and, together with the other "tribal" stitching books I already had...

...I'll be back to Happy Land in that...'s along Indian and "Stans" lines that this series of "long cloths" will be traveling.

I've a decent pile of dyed cotton voile...

.....and a few new print blocks that have been waiting to be used..

..the journey has begun.

..with a block printed band...

...followed by a piece of delicious-coloured silk...

...with my "ladder stitching" on.

The next panel is another block print...

..and, at the minute I'm thinking to use some plaited yarns to cover the gap...

I have a number of ideas swirling around this theme...

...and will be trying out as many as possible :-)

You won't have seen the last of those little houses either...

...they may just look a little different ;-)

Sunday 13 February 2011

...lots happening in the gap....

Heck!'s been a while...

...but we've had some major computer glitches AGAIN!

Intermittent internet has meant that I've hardly spent any time on the lappy over the last couple of weeks.

Must say though....I DO get an awful lot more done if I know the computer is off limits :-)

Most of the time has been spent up to my elbows in dye-stfuffs...

...but I now make sure I use my super-duper-yellow-marigolds...

...that are so long...I could birth a calf!

After having bright orange hands on Christmas day...

...followed by turquoise...jade green...and cerise on various other days...

...and little itchy patches happening...

..I went and bought a few pairs of suitable gloves to work in.

I've been dyeing cotton fabric, 28/2s cotton thread and felt.

It's been such fun...

...and I was delighted to find that (with a little tension fiddling)... lovely threads can be used on the sewing machine :-)))

So I did a bit of machine quilting...

...with some hand-stitching to finish off of course!

I'm loving these threads...

...and have even been moved to use them for a bit of canvas stitching!

They worked brilliantly for that too...

I decided to "fiddle" with the felt a bit...

...and have developed a process that stiffens the fabric quite a bit, and also seems to concentrate the colour on the surface.

The result is a lovely textured felt that is stiff enough to take quite a bit of stitching, and can be used easily for small jewellery items.

Here are some of the colours...

Now I can spend some time stitching onto it :-)